2023-04-27 23:31:04 +07:00

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Bash staticrypt

stilde is the template for my personal startpage.

The startpage by itself is a lightly modified version of the tilde project by cade.

I use it both locally (localhost file) and self-hosted (https), that's why I wanted a way to protect the page that would still stay light, static and bypassable by an action-less uri.

Stilde include staticrypt for that purpose and provide an authentification form to decrypt the page locally by password or by a decryption uri without any other input.

Staticrypt Form Stilde Startpage


  • All tilde features.
    • Redirect to a bookmarked website.
    • Run a search on a bookmarked website.
    • Get search suggestions from DuckDuckGo.
    • Redirect to a specific path or uri for a bookmarked website.
    • Access any other url.
    • Lauch a search on a customized DuckDuckGo session for anything outside the scope.
  • WebCrypto html encryption with password prompt.
  • Direct decryption by secret hash uri.
  • Deployment and re-deployment with one command.
  • New: custom logo on both form and startpage.


UNLICENCED : like the original tilde project.


  • npm@lts (I use v18.16.0 with nvm)
  • Bash (for the script)


  • Clone this repo in a parent directory outside of your webroot (the webroot is the destination of the build):
git clone --depth=1
cd stilde

Preparation (optional)

  • Edit french strings for the staticrypt form in
  85   │     --template-button "DECRYPTER" \
  86   │     --template-instructions "Crypté avec StatiCrypt." \
  87   │     --template-error "Mot de passe incorrect !" \
  88   │     --template-placeholder "Mot de passe" \
  89   │     --template-remember "Se souvenir de moi" \
  • Edit graphical asset in assets/root/:

    • favicon.ico (convert icon-512.png -define icon:auto-resize="48,32,16" favicon.ico)
    • favicon.svg (square logo, width 192px)
    • icon-192.png (generated from favicon.svg)
    • icon-512.png (generated from favicon.svg)
    • logo.svg (trimmed favicon.svg, width 200px)
  • Replace the svg logo in the startpage assets/source/index.html:

I exported mines from inkscape, cleaned it's code and renamed paths to use them in css and scripts.

 622   │ <div class="box-container">
 623   │ 
 624   │   <svg
 625         preserveAspectRatio=true
 656   |      ...

There are also some css rules for the logo paths:

 607      #logo path#characters {
 608        fill-opacity: 0.5 !important;
 609        transition: fill 2s, fill-opacity 1s;
 610      }
 611      #logo path#characters:hover {
 612        fill: #ff4000 !important;
 613        fill-opacity: 0.8 !important;
 614        transition: fill 2s, fill-opacity 1s;
 615      }
 616      #logo path#shadows {
 617        fill: #808080;
 618        transition: fill 2s;
 619      }

And some javascript too:

 339          const shadows = document.querySelector('#logo path#shadows');
 438 = '#808080'
 465 = '#ff4000'

Bookmarks & Commands

All of them are included inside the COMMANDS const after line 41 of assets/source/index.html.

I left enough examples to understand the syntax.


Just execute with its help:

Generate static website with encrypted code by staticrypt.
The first pass requires -t, -d and -u options, re-run it with -c option only.

Syntax: ./ [-h] [Options...]

  -h                     Print this Help
  -c                     Fetch options from ".staticrypt.conf"
  -d "<path>"            Desination webroot path or directory
  -p "<password>"        Password for decryption >= 12 characters
  -s "<salt>"            Salt string = 32 hexadecimal characters
          -t "<string>"          Title for the staticrypt form page
  -u "<url>"             Https or localhost Url for the destination root

Example: ./ -u https://start.domain.tld -d static -t "STILDE - StartPage"