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# [stilde][stilde_repo]
**stilde** is the template for my personal startpage.
The startpage by itself is a lightly modified version of the **[tilde][tilde_repo]** project by [cade](https://github.com/xvvvyz).
I use it both locally (localhost file) and self-hosted (https), that's why I wanted a way to protect the page that would still stay light, static and bypassable by an action-less uri.
Stilde include **[staticrypt][staticrypt_repo]** for that purpose and provide an authentification form to decrypt the page locally by password or by a decryption uri without any other input.
[Staticrypt Form](assets/screenshots/startpage.png)
[Stilde Startpage](assets/screenshots/staticrypt.png)
## Features
- All tilde features.
- Redirect to a bookmarked website.
- Run a search on a bookmarked website.
- Get search suggestions from DuckDuckGo.
- Redirect to a specific path or uri for a bookmarked website.
- Access any other url.
- Lauch a search on a customized DuckDuckGo session for anything outside the scope.
- WebCrypto html encryption with password prompt.
- Direct decryption by secret hash uri.
- Deployment and re-deployment with one command.
- New: custom logo on both form and startpage.
## License
UNLICENCED : like the original tilde project.
## Requirements
- npm@lts (I use v18.16.0 with nvm)
- Bash (for the `build.sh` script)
## Installation
- Clone this repo in a parent directory outside of your webroot (the webroot is the destination of the build):
``` bash
git clone --depth=1 https://git.tkapias.net/tkapias/stilde
cd stilde
## Preparation (optional)
- Edit french strings for the staticrypt form in `build.sh`:
``` bash
85 │ --template-button "DECRYPTER" \
86 │ --template-instructions "Crypté avec StatiCrypt." \
87 │ --template-error "Mot de passe incorrect !" \
88 │ --template-placeholder "Mot de passe" \
89 │ --template-remember "Se souvenir de moi" \
- Edit graphical asset in `assets/root/`:
- favicon.ico (`convert icon-512.png -define icon:auto-resize="48,32,16" favicon.ico`)
- favicon.svg (square logo, width 192px)
- icon-192.png (generated from favicon.svg)
- icon-512.png (generated from favicon.svg)
- logo.svg (trimmed favicon.svg, width 200px)
- Replace the svg logo in the startpage `assets/source/index.html`:
I exported mines from inkscape, cleaned it's code and renamed paths to use them in css and scripts.
``` html
622 │ <div class="box-container">
623 │
624 │ <svg
625 │ preserveAspectRatio=true
656 | ...
There are also some css rules for the logo paths:
``` css
607 │ #logo path#characters {
608 │ fill-opacity: 0.5 !important;
609 │ transition: fill 2s, fill-opacity 1s;
610 │ }
611 │ #logo path#characters:hover {
612 │ fill: #ff4000 !important;
613 │ fill-opacity: 0.8 !important;
614 │ transition: fill 2s, fill-opacity 1s;
615 │ }
616 │ #logo path#shadows {
617 │ fill: #808080;
618 │ transition: fill 2s;
619 │ }
And some javascript too:
``` javascript
339 │ const shadows = document.querySelector('#logo path#shadows');
438 │ shadows.style.fill = '#808080'
465 │ shadows.style.fill = '#ff4000'
## Bookmarks & Commands
All of them are included inside the `COMMANDS` const after line 41 of `assets/source/index.html`.
I left enough examples to understand the syntax.
## Build
Just execute `build.sh` with its help:
``` bash
Generate static website with encrypted code by staticrypt.
The first pass requires -t, -d and -u options, re-run it with -c option only.
Syntax: ./build.sh [-h] [Options...]
-h Print this Help
-c Fetch options from ".staticrypt.conf"
-d "<path>" Desination webroot path or directory
-p "<password>" Password for decryption >= 12 characters
-s "<salt>" Salt string = 32 hexadecimal characters
-t "<string>" Title for the staticrypt form page
-u "<url>" Https or localhost Url for the destination root
Example: ./build.sh -u https://start.domain.tld -d static -t "STILDE - StartPage"
[//]: # (LINKS)
[stilde_repo]: https://git.tkapias.net/tkapias/stilde
[tilde_repo]: https://github.com/xvvvyz/tilde
[staticrypt_repo]: https://github.com/robinmoisson/staticrypt
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const CONFIG = {
commandPathDelimiter: '/',
commandSearchDelimiter: ' ',
defaultSearchTemplate: 'https://duckduckgo.com/?kl=fr-fr&kad=fr_FR&kp=-2&kz=-1&kc=-1&k1=-1&kaj=m&kay=i&kak=-1&kax=-1&kaq=-1&kao=-1&kau=-1&kap=-1&k7=303030&kae=d&kj=262626&k9=f5f5f5&kaa=b3b3b3&k8=b3b3b3&kx=ff4000&k21=363636&q={}',
openLinksInNewTab: true,
suggestionLimit: 4,
const COMMANDS = new Map([
['b', {
name: 'Blog',
url: 'https://myblog.net',
suggestions: ['myblog.net']
['g', {
name: 'GitHub',
searchTemplate: '/search?q={}',
suggestions: [
url: 'https://github.com',
['m', {
name: 'Webmail',
url: 'https://mywebmail.tld',
suggestions: ['mywebmail.tld', 'm/?admin']
['n', {
name: 'nb',
suggestions: ['localhost:6789', 'n/dev', 'n/home', 'n/sys',],
url: 'http://localhost:6789',
['n/dev', {
searchTemplate: ':6789/dev:?--query={}&--limit=30&--page=1&--columns=70',
url: 'http://localhost:6789/dev:',
['n/home', {
searchTemplate: ':6789/home:?--query={}&--limit=30&--page=1&--columns=70',
url: 'http://localhost:6789/home:',
['n/sys', {
searchTemplate: ':6789/sys:?--query={}&--limit=30&--page=1&--columns=70',
url: 'http://localhost:6789/sys:',
['N', {
name: 'Ntfy',
url: 'https://ntfy.domain.tld',
suggestions: ['ntfy.domain.tld', 'N/tests']
['t', {
name: 'Translate',
searchTemplate: '/?sl=fr&tl=en&text={}',
url: 'https://translate.google.com',
suggestions: ['translate.google.com']
['w', {
name: 'Wikipedia',
searchTemplate: '/w/index.php?search={}',
suggestions: ['fr.wikipedia.org', 'w/wiki/Special:Random'],
url: 'https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Main_Page'
['y', {
name: 'YouTube',
searchTemplate: '/results?search_query={}',
suggestions: ['youtube.com', 'y/feed/subscriptions'],
url: 'https://youtube.com'
['0', {
name: 'localhost',
searchTemplate: ':{}',
suggestions: ['0 6789', '0 8000'],
url: 'http://localhost:3000'
['?', {
name: 'README',
url: 'https://github.com/xvvvyz/tilde',
suggestions: ['git.tkapias.net/tkapias/stilde']
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.command:where(:focus, :hover) .name {
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class Commands extends HTMLElement {
constructor() {
this.attachShadow({ mode: 'open' });
const template = document.getElementById('commands-template');
const clone = template.content.cloneNode(true);
const commands = clone.querySelector('.commands');
const commandTemplate = document.getElementById('command-template');
for (const [key, { name, url }] of COMMANDS.entries()) {
if (!name || !url) continue;
const clone = commandTemplate.content.cloneNode(true);
const command = clone.querySelector('.command');
command.href = url;
if (CONFIG.openLinksInNewTab) command.target = '_blank';
clone.querySelector('.key').innerText = key;
clone.querySelector('.name').innerText = name;
customElements.define('commands-component', Commands);
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.suggestion:where(:focus, :hover)::before {
opacity: 1;
transform: translateY(0);
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color: var(--color-text-subtle);
transition: color var(--transition-speed);
.suggestion:where(:focus, :hover) .match {
color: var(--color-background);
@media (min-width: 700px) {
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class Search extends HTMLElement {
constructor() {
this.attachShadow({ mode: 'open' });
const template = document.getElementById('search-template');
const clone = template.content.cloneNode(true);
this.#dialog = clone.querySelector('.dialog');
this.#form = clone.querySelector('.form');
this.#input = clone.querySelector('.input');
this.#suggestions = clone.querySelector('.suggestions');
this.#form.addEventListener('submit', this.#onSubmit, false);
this.#input.addEventListener('input', this.#onInput);
this.#suggestions.addEventListener('click', this.#onSuggestionClick);
document.addEventListener('keydown', this.#onKeydown);
const shadows = document.querySelector('#logo path#shadows');
static #attachSearchPrefix(array, { key, splitBy }) {
if (!splitBy) return array;
return array.map((search) => `${key}${splitBy}${search}`);
static #escapeRegexCharacters(s) {
return s.replace(/[-\/\\^$*+?.()|[\]{}]/g, '\\$&');
static #fetchDuckDuckGoSuggestions(search) {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
window.autocompleteCallback = (res) => {
const suggestions = [];
for (const item of res) {
if (item.phrase === search.toLowerCase()) continue;
const script = document.createElement('script');
script.src = `https://duckduckgo.com/ac/?callback=autocompleteCallback&q=${search}`;
script.onload = script.remove;
static #formatSearchUrl(url, searchPath, search) {
if (!searchPath) return url;
const [baseUrl] = Search.#splitUrl(url);
const urlQuery = encodeURIComponent(search);
searchPath = searchPath.replace(/{}/g, urlQuery);
return baseUrl + searchPath;
static #hasProtocol(s) {
return /^[a-zA-Z]+:\/\//i.test(s);
static #isUrl(s) {
return /^((https?:\/\/)?[\w-]+(\.[\w-]+)+\.?(:\d+)?(\/\S*)?)$/i.test(s);
static #parseQuery = (raw) => {
const query = raw.trim();
if (this.#isUrl(query)) {
const url = this.#hasProtocol(query) ? query : `https://${query}`;
return { query, url };
if (COMMANDS.has(query)) {
const { command, key, url } = COMMANDS.get(query);
return command ? Search.#parseQuery(command) : { key, query, url };
let splitBy = CONFIG.commandSearchDelimiter;
const [searchKey, rawSearch] = query.split(new RegExp(`${splitBy}(.*)`));
if (COMMANDS.has(searchKey)) {
const { searchTemplate, url: base } = COMMANDS.get(searchKey);
const search = rawSearch.trim();
const url = Search.#formatSearchUrl(base, searchTemplate, search);
return { key: searchKey, query, search, splitBy, url };
splitBy = CONFIG.commandPathDelimiter;
const [pathKey, path] = query.split(new RegExp(`${splitBy}(.*)`));
if (COMMANDS.has(pathKey)) {
const { url: base } = COMMANDS.get(pathKey);
const [baseUrl] = Search.#splitUrl(base);
const url = `${baseUrl}/${path}`;
return { key: pathKey, path, query, splitBy, url };
const [baseUrl, rest] = Search.#splitUrl(CONFIG.defaultSearchTemplate);
const url = Search.#formatSearchUrl(baseUrl, rest, query);
return { query, search: query, url };
static #splitUrl(url) {
const parser = document.createElement('a');
parser.href = url;
const baseUrl = `${parser.protocol}//${parser.hostname}`;
const rest = `${parser.pathname}${parser.search}`;
return [baseUrl, rest];
#close() {
this.#input.value = '';
this.#suggestions.innerHTML = '';
shadows.style.fill = '#808080'
#execute(query) {
const { url } = Search.#parseQuery(query);
const target = CONFIG.openLinksInNewTab ? '_blank' : '_self';
window.open(url, target, 'noopener noreferrer');
#focusNextSuggestion(previous = false) {
const active = this.shadowRoot.activeElement;
let nextIndex;
if (active.dataset.index) {
const activeIndex = Number(active.dataset.index);
nextIndex = previous ? activeIndex - 1 : activeIndex + 1;
} else {
nextIndex = previous ? this.#suggestions.childElementCount - 1 : 0;
const next = this.#suggestions.children[nextIndex];
if (next) next.querySelector('.suggestion').focus();
else this.#input.focus();
#onInput = async () => {
shadows.style.fill = '#ff4000'
const oq = Search.#parseQuery(this.#input.value);
if (!oq.query) {
let suggestions = COMMANDS.get(oq.query)?.suggestions ?? [];
if (oq.search && suggestions.length < CONFIG.suggestionLimit) {
const res = await Search.#fetchDuckDuckGoSuggestions(oq.search);
const formatted = Search.#attachSearchPrefix(res, oq);
suggestions = suggestions.concat(formatted);
const nq = Search.#parseQuery(this.#input.value);
if (nq.query !== oq.query) return;
this.#renderSuggestions(suggestions, oq.query);
#onKeydown = (e) => {
if (!this.#dialog.open) {
requestAnimationFrame(() => {
// close the search dialog before the next repaint if a character is
// not produced (e.g. if you type shift, control, alt etc.)
if (!this.#input.value) this.#close();
if (e.key === 'Escape') {
const alt = e.altKey ? 'alt-' : '';
const ctrl = e.ctrlKey ? 'ctrl-' : '';
const meta = e.metaKey ? 'meta-' : '';
const shift = e.shiftKey ? 'shift-' : '';
const modifierPrefixedKey = `${alt}${ctrl}${meta}${shift}${e.key}`;
if (/^(ArrowDown|Tab|ctrl-n)$/.test(modifierPrefixedKey)) {
if (/^(ArrowUp|ctrl-p|shift-Tab)$/.test(modifierPrefixedKey)) {
#onSubmit = () => {
#onSuggestionClick = (e) => {
const ref = e.target.closest('.suggestion');
if (!ref) return;
#renderSuggestions(suggestions, query) {
this.#suggestions.innerHTML = '';
const sliced = suggestions.slice(0, CONFIG.suggestionLimit);
const template = document.getElementById('suggestion-template');
for (const [index, suggestion] of sliced.entries()) {
const clone = template.content.cloneNode(true);
const ref = clone.querySelector('.suggestion');
ref.dataset.index = index;
ref.dataset.suggestion = suggestion;
const escapedQuery = Search.#escapeRegexCharacters(query);
const matched = suggestion.match(new RegExp(escapedQuery, 'i'));
if (matched) {
const template = document.getElementById('match-template');
const clone = template.content.cloneNode(true);
const matchRef = clone.querySelector('.match');
const pre = suggestion.slice(0, matched.index);
const post = suggestion.slice(matched.index + matched[0].length);
matchRef.innerText = matched[0];
matchRef.insertAdjacentHTML('beforebegin', pre);
matchRef.insertAdjacentHTML('afterend', post);
} else {
ref.innerText = suggestion;
customElements.define('search-component', Search);
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d="m 206.65832,477.40693 v 4.35548 h 12.42184 v 34.65225 25.84255 H 205.95563 181.954 157.95237 147.04042 v 32.72422 h 0.0348 v 57.05107 57.81182 l 0.0465,57.05687 h -0.0465 v 26.5975 h -13.11873 -0.48201 -23.51962 -13.600734 v -33.94956 h -4.355487 v 38.29924 h 17.956221 23.51962 0.48201 17.47421 v -29.43728 h 0.0406 l -0.0406,-58.56677 V 632.0325 573.47153 h -0.0406 v -26.86464 h 6.56227 24.00163 24.00163 17.47421 v -30.19223 -39.00773 z m 71.99909,0 v 4.35548 h 12.42185 v 34.65225 57.10333 h 4.34968 v -57.10333 -39.00773 z m 120.00236,0 v 4.35548 h 12.41604 v 34.65225 25.84255 h -13.12453 -10.91776 l 0.0465,31.96927 v 25.84255 H 373.95545 363.0377 v 31.26078 h 4.34968 v -26.9111 h 6.56807 17.47421 v -30.19223 l -0.0407,-27.61959 h 6.56227 17.48001 v -30.19223 -39.00773 z m 167.99982,0 v 4.35548 h 12.41603 v 33.94376 h 4.34968 v -38.29924 z m -360.00127,7.03846 v 4.35549 h 5.38338 v 27.61378 18.80409 H 205.95563 181.954 157.95237 139.99615 v 39.00773 57.80602 57.81182 l 0.0406,57.81182 v 18.80409 h -6.08026 -0.48201 -23.51962 -6.56227 v -26.9111 h -4.355485 v 31.26077 h 10.917755 23.51962 0.48201 10.43575 v -23.15376 l -0.0407,-57.81182 V 632.0325 574.22648 539.56843 h 13.60074 24.00163 24.00163 10.43575 v -23.15377 -31.96927 z m 71.99909,0 v 4.35549 h 5.38338 v 26.85883 h -0.0407 v 57.85828 h 4.34968 v -56.34838 h 0.0406 v -32.72422 z m 120.00236,0 v 4.35549 h 5.37757 v 27.61378 18.80409 h -6.08606 -17.95042 l 0.0349,39.00773 v 18.79828 h -6.08026 -17.95622 v 38.30505 h 4.34968 v -33.94956 h 13.60654 10.43575 v -23.15377 l -0.0407,-34.65805 h 13.60074 10.43574 v -23.15377 -31.96927 z m 167.99982,0 v 4.35549 h 5.37757 v 26.90529 h 4.34968 V 484.44539 Z M 19.999597,508.30765 v 38.29924 h 17.956219 24.001633 22.811133 v -4.34968 H 61.957449 37.955816 24.349276 v -33.94956 z m 7.038466,0 v 31.26078 h 10.917753 24.001633 22.811133 v -4.34968 H 61.957449 37.955816 31.387742 v -26.9111 z m 448.957717,26.9111 v 0.75495 37.54429 h 4.35549 v -33.94956 h 13.60073 24.00163 22.81114 v -4.34968 H 517.95363 493.952 Z m 114.65963,0 v 4.34968 h 12.42185 v 34.65805 57.80602 57.81182 57.81182 25.84255 h -13.12453 -0.48201 -23.51963 -13.60073 v -33.94956 h -4.35549 v 38.29924 h 17.95622 23.51963 0.48201 17.47421 V 747.65614 689.84432 632.0325 574.22648 535.21875 Z m -107.62116,7.03846 v 0.75495 30.50583 h 4.35548 v -26.9111 h 6.56227 24.00163 22.81114 v -4.34968 H 517.95363 493.952 Z m 107.62116,0 v 4.34968 h 5.38338 v 26.86464 h -0.0406 v 58.56097 57.81182 58.56677 h 0.0406 v 18.04914 h -6.08606 -0.48201 -23.51963 -6.56226 v -26.9111 h -4.34968 v 31.26077 h 10.91194 23.51963 0.48201 10.43574 v -23.90871 h -0.0407 V 689.84432 632.0325 574.98143 h 0.0407 V 542.25721 Z M 284.00014,650.83658 v 0.75495 38.25279 l 0.0407,57.81182 v 18.80409 h -6.08607 -24.00163 -6.56226 v -26.9111 h -4.34968 v 31.26077 h 10.91194 24.00163 10.43575 v -23.15376 l -0.0406,-57.81182 v -34.65225 h 13.60073 22.81694 v -4.35549 h -22.81694 z m 90.658,0 v 4.35549 h 12.42184 v 33.94376 h 4.34968 v -38.29925 z m 101.33764,0 v 0.75495 38.25279 l 0.0406,57.81182 v 18.80409 h -6.08606 -23.99583 -6.56807 v -26.9111 h -4.34968 v 31.26077 h 10.91775 23.99583 10.43574 v -23.15376 l -0.0348,-57.81182 v -34.65225 h 13.60073 24.00163 22.81114 v -4.35549 H 517.95363 493.952 Z m -184.95717,7.04428 v 0.75495 31.96346 h 0.0406 l 0.0407,56.30192 h -0.0407 v 26.5975 h -13.12454 -24.00163 -13.60073 v -33.94956 h -4.35549 v 38.29924 h 17.95622 24.00163 17.47422 v -29.43728 h 0.0406 l -0.0406,-59.32172 h -0.0407 v -26.85884 h 6.56227 22.81694 v -4.34967 h -22.81694 z m 83.61953,0 v 4.34967 h 5.37757 v 26.9053 h 4.35549 v -31.25497 z m 108.37611,0 v 0.75495 31.96346 h 0.0407 l 0.0406,56.30192 h -0.0406 v 26.5975 H 469.95037 445.95454 432.348 v -33.94956 h -4.34968 v 38.29924 h 17.95622 23.99583 17.48002 v -29.43728 h 0.0407 l -0.0407,-59.32172 h -0.0407 v -26.85884 h 6.56227 24.00163 22.81114 v -4.34967 H 517.95363 493.952 Z M 331.9976,681.73731 v 38.29924 h 16.77152 v -4.34968 h -12.42184 v -33.94956 z m 7.03846,0 v 31.26077 h 9.73306 v -4.34968 h -5.37757 v -26.91109 z m 59.62371,26.91109 v 4.34968 h 12.41604 v 34.65806 25.84255 h -13.12453 -23.99583 -13.60654 v -33.94956 h -4.34968 v 38.29924 h 17.95622 23.99583 17.48001 V 747.65614 708.6484 Z m 0,7.03847 v 4.34968 h 5.37757 v 27.61959 18.80409 h -6.08606 -23.99583 -6.56807 v -26.9111 h -4.34968 v 31.26077 h 10.91775 23.99583 10.43574 v -23.15376 -31.96927 z"
transform="matrix(0.15572681,0,0,0.15572681,1.390094,49.845283)" />
d="m 12.76949,457.90016 v 0.94078 49.46671 h 24.948225 23.995826 24.001633 24.001636 23.99582 24.00164 24.00163 24.94242 V 457.90016 H 181.7159 157.71427 133.71263 109.71681 85.715174 61.713541 37.717715 Z m 215.99728,0 v 0.94078 49.46671 h 24.94822 24.94242 v -50.40749 h -24.94242 z m 120.00235,0 v 0.94078 49.46671 h 24.94242 24.94823 v -50.40749 h -24.94823 z m 96.00073,0 v 0.94078 49.46671 h 24.94242 24.00163 24.00163 23.99583 24.94822 V 457.90016 H 541.71136 517.71553 493.7139 469.71227 Z M 84.768582,515.70617 v 0.9466 49.4667 h 24.948228 24.94242 v -50.4133 h -24.94242 z m 143.998188,0 v 0.9466 49.4667 h 24.94822 24.94242 v -50.4133 h -24.94242 z m 96.00072,0 v 0.9466 49.4667 h 24.94823 24.94241 v -50.4133 h -24.94241 z m 96.00072,0 v 0.9466 49.4667 h 24.94242 24.94823 v -50.4133 h -24.94823 z m 119.99656,0 v 0.9466 49.4667 h 24.94822 24.94242 v -50.4133 H 565.71299 Z M 84.768582,573.51799 v 0.9466 49.46671 h 24.948228 24.94242 v -50.41331 h -24.94242 z m 143.998188,0 v 0.9466 49.46671 h 24.94822 24.00163 23.99583 24.00163 24.94242 v -50.41331 h -24.94242 -24.00163 -23.99583 -24.00163 z m 192.00144,0 v 0.9466 49.46671 h 24.94242 24.00164 24.00163 24.00163 23.99583 24.00163 24.94242 V 573.51799 H 565.71299 541.71136 517.71553 493.7139 469.71227 445.71063 Z M 84.768582,631.32982 v 0.94078 49.46671 h 24.948228 24.94242 v -50.40749 h -24.94242 z m 143.998188,0 v 0.94078 49.46671 h 24.94822 24.94242 v -50.40749 h -24.94242 z m 96.00072,0 v 0.94078 49.46671 h 24.94823 24.94241 v -50.40749 h -24.94241 z m 96.00072,0 v 0.94078 49.46671 h 24.94242 24.94823 v -50.40749 h -24.94823 z m 119.99656,0 v 0.94078 49.46671 h 24.94822 24.94242 V 631.32982 H 565.71299 Z M 84.768582,689.13583 v 0.94659 49.46671 h 24.948228 24.94242 v -50.4133 h -24.94242 z m 143.998188,0 v 0.94659 49.46671 h 24.94822 24.94242 v -50.4133 h -24.94242 z m 120.00235,0 v 0.94659 49.46671 h 24.94242 24.94823 v -50.4133 h -24.94823 z m 71.99909,0 v 0.94659 49.46671 h 24.94242 24.94823 v -50.4133 h -24.94823 z m 119.99656,0 v 0.94659 49.46671 h 24.94822 24.94242 v -50.4133 h -24.94242 z"
transform="matrix(0.15572681,0,0,0.15572681,1.390094,49.845283)" />
id="rect835" />
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,235 @@
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html class="staticrypt-html">
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.staticrypt-page {
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border: 0;
margin: 0 0 15px;
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-moz-osx-font-smoothing: grayscale;
.staticrypt-instructions {
margin-bottom: 2em;
.staticrypt-title {
font-size: 1.5em;
label.staticrypt-remember {
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align-items: center;
margin-bottom: 1em;
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.staticrypt-remember input[type="checkbox"] {
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<div class="staticrypt-instructions">
<form id="staticrypt-form" action="#" method="post">
<label id="staticrypt-remember-label" class="staticrypt-remember hidden">
<input id="staticrypt-remember" type="checkbox" name="remember" checked/>
<input type="submit" class="staticrypt-decrypt-button" value="/*[|template_button|]*/0" />
// these variables will be filled when generating the file - the template format is '/*[|variable_name|]*/0'
const staticryptInitiator = /*[|js_staticrypt|]*/ 0;
const templateError = "/*[|template_error|]*/0",
isRememberEnabled = /*[|is_remember_enabled|]*/ 0,
staticryptConfig = /*[|staticrypt_config|]*/ 0;
// you can edit these values to customize some of the behavior of StatiCrypt
const templateConfig = {
rememberExpirationKey: "staticrypt_expiration",
rememberPassphraseKey: "staticrypt_passphrase",
replaceHtmlCallback: null,
clearLocalStorageCallback: null,
// init the staticrypt engine
const staticrypt = staticryptInitiator.init(staticryptConfig, templateConfig);
// try to automatically decrypt on load if there is a saved password
window.onload = async function () {
const { isSuccessful } = await staticrypt.handleDecryptOnLoad();
// if we didn't decrypt anything on load, show the password prompt. Otherwise the content has already been
// replaced, no need to do anything
if (!isSuccessful) {
// hide loading screen
// show the remember me checkbox
if (isRememberEnabled) {
// handle password form submission
document.getElementById("staticrypt-form").addEventListener("submit", async function (e) {
const password = document.getElementById("staticrypt-password").value,
isRememberChecked = document.getElementById("staticrypt-remember").checked;
const { isSuccessful } = await staticrypt.handleDecryptionOfPage(password, isRememberChecked);
if (!isSuccessful) {
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# locale
export LC_ALL="C.UTF-8"
export TZ=:/etc/localtime
cat <<- 'HEREDOC'
Generate static website with encrypted code by staticrypt.
The first pass requires -t, -d and -u options, re-run it with -c option only.
Syntax: ./build.sh [-h] [Options...]
-h Print this Help
-c Fetch options from ".staticrypt.conf"
-d "<path>" Desination webroot path or directory
-p "<password>" Password for decryption >= 12 characters
-s "<salt>" Salt string = 32 hexadecimal characters
-t "<string>" Title for the staticrypt form page
-u "<url>" Https or localhost Url for the destination root
Example: ./build.sh -u https://start.domain.tld -d static -t "STILDE - StartPage"
cd "$(dirname $0)"
# install staticrypt package
if ! [[ -s ./node_modules/.bin/staticrypt ]]; then
npm install
# options
while getopts ":hcd:p:s:t:u:" option; do
case $option in
h ) Help; exit 0 ;;
c ) _CONF=.staticrypt.conf ;;
d ) _DEST="${OPTARG}" ;;
p ) _PASS="${OPTARG}" ;;
s ) _SALT="${OPTARG}" ;;
t ) _TITLE="${OPTARG}" ;;
u ) _URL="${OPTARG}" ;;
\?) echo -e "Unknown option: -$OPTARG \n" >&2; Help; exit 1;;
: ) echo -e "Missing argument for -$OPTARG \n" >&2; Help; exit 1;;
# use config file or input options
if [[ -z $_CONF ]]; then
if [[ -z $_DEST ]] || [[ -z $_URL ]] || [[ -z $_TITLE ]]; then
echo -e "Error: options -d and -u are mandatory.\n" >&2; Help; exit 1
if [[ -z $_PASS ]]; then
_PASS=$(openssl rand -base64 12)
if [[ -z $_SALT ]]; then
_SALT=$(openssl rand -hex 16)
_DEST=$(sed -n '/STATIC=/ s/STATIC=//p;' $_CONF | tr -d '\n')
_PASS=$(sed -n '/PASSWORD=/ s/PASSWORD=//p;' $_CONF | tr -d '\n')
_SALT=$(sed -n '/SALT=/ s/SALT=//p;' $_CONF | tr -d '\n')
_URL=$(sed -n '/URL=/ s/URL=//p;' $_CONF | tr -d '\n')
_TITLE=$(sed -n '/TITLE=/ s/TITLE=//p;' $_CONF | tr -d '\n')
# create directories
mkdir -p --verbose assets/{root,source,templates} encrypted $_DEST
# generate an url hash for the decrypted form-less page
_URLHASH=$(STATICRYPT_PASSWORD=${_PASS} ./node_modules/.bin/staticrypt --config false --salt ${_SALT} --share)
# encrypt files & update config file
./node_modules/.bin/staticrypt assets/source/ \
--config false \
--recursive true \
--remember 7 \
--salt ${_SALT} \
--template assets/templates/password_template.html \
--template-button "DECRYPTER" \
--template-instructions "Crypté avec StatiCrypt." \
--template-error "Mot de passe incorrect !" \
--template-placeholder "Mot de passe" \
--template-remember "Se souvenir de moi" \
--template-title "${_TITLE}" && \
cat <<- HEREDOC > .staticrypt.conf
# copy assets and encrypted files to the webroot
cp -r assets/root/* $_DEST/
cp -r encrypted/source/* $_DEST/
cat .staticrypt.conf
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
"name": "stilde",
"version": "1.0.0",
"description": "Secure start page powered by staticrypt and tilde",
"repository": {
"type": "git",
"url": "https://git.tkapias.net/tkapias/stilde"
"keywords": [
"author": "Tomasz Kapias <tomasz@tkapias.net> (https://tkapias.net)",
"license": "UNLICENSED",
"dependencies": {
"staticrypt": "^3.3.0"