.bashrc.d | ||
.bash_logout | ||
.bash_profile | ||
.bashrc | ||
.profile | ||
bashrc is a collection of dotfiles/RUNCOM dedicated to environment setup for Debian based server/desktop systems.
I use these files on my personnal desktops and most semi-professional projects.
The most powerful features are related to my own setup for tmux, ssh, nfty or keepassxc.
It alse contains many aliases and functions of interest.
- Include Liquid Prompt, an intelligent and non-intrusive prompt for Bash and zsh.
- Ready for FZF bindings.
- Full TMUX experience, even surviving desktop user reconnexions.
- Ready to use KeePassXC as ssh-agent and keyring.
- Afvanced Command notifications with NTFY, dunstify and sound.
- And many more aliases and functions to discover ...
This repository include some original lines of code and others gathered throught many years and available publicly or known as best practices.
There will be no licence attached to this code except for the content listed below and coming from a licenced source:
- Liquid Prompt: AGPL-3.0 license. Original source in file
- function
(ls alternative with filters and sorting throught fzf and exa): some outputs are broken, I will fix it soon.
- debian 9+ based distro
- bash 5+
- bash_completion
- systemd, systemd-container
- vim
- ncdu
- fzf (get the latest release)
- pipx
- keepassxc
- keyring (python)
- tmux (get the latest release)
- fzf-tmux
- exa (get the latest release)
- fd
- xclip
- MOTDfetch
- curl
- bat (get the latest release)
- dunstify
- wget2
- emoji-fzf (python)
- ssh
- ...
Current user
# backup current files
mkdir -p $HOME/.backups
cp -r --backup=t {"$HOME"/.bashrc,"$HOME"/.bashrc.d,"$HOME"/.bash_logout,"$HOME"/.bash_profile,"$HOME"/.profile} $HOME/.backups/
# download new files from repository
wget -c -nv https://git.tkapias.net/tkapias/bashrc/archive/master.tar.gz -O - \
| tar -xzv --strip-components=1 -C $HOME/ \
bashrc/.bash_logout \
bashrc/.bash_profile \
bashrc/.bashrc \
bashrc/.bashrc.d/ \
chmod 700 ~/.bashrc.d
chmod 600 ~/.bashrc ~/.bashrc.d/* ~/.bash_logout ~/.bash_profile ~/.profile
# check if you need to customize the secrets file
cat ~/.bashrc.d/02-secrets.bashrc
If you want to get the same base for every new user on the system.
- Execute as root:
# backup current files
mkdir -p /root/.backups/skel
cp -r --backup=t /etc/skel $HOME/.backups/
# download new files from repository
wget -c -nv https://git.tkapias.net/tkapias/bashrc/archive/master.tar.gz -O - \
| tar -xzv --strip-components=1 -C /etc/skel/ \
bashrc/.bash_logout \
bashrc/.bash_profile \
bashrc/.bashrc \
bashrc/.bashrc.d/ \
chmod 700 /etc/skel/.bashrc.d
chmod 600 /etc/skel/.bashrc /etc/skel/.bashrc.d/* /etc/skel/.bash_logout /etc/skel/.bash_profile /etc/skel/.profile
# check if you need to customize the secrets file
cat /etc/skel/.bashrc.d/02-secrets.bashrc